Dear brothers & sisters in Christ, our family! How we love you all and are so appreciative for you. Saying "thank you" again for your standing with us in this call to kenya, does not seem enough! We know that you are all praying for us, we can see it here in our lives and feel it too. We are all safe and for the time being so is the city that we live in but our hearts are heavy. The happy, friendly people we have grown to love, are no longer! Please pray for the Kenyan people! We hope that many of you joined us on the 25th as the world stood in prayer for Kenya! We are declaring that the hand of God has been moved to put good, what the enemy has ment for evil. Now to the rebuilding of what was lost and unfortunately in some areas is still being lost. As you have probubly read in the papers and seen on the news over 250,000, maybe as many as a million kenyan people have been displaced in this country. A large amount of them in this area around the city we live in, Elodoret...