Possibilities and Opportunities
The reality of the situation in Eldoret is this. There are now so many more children in need of homes. Before this situation took place, the statistics for orphaned children were 80,000 in the Eldoret area and only 600 of those in children's homes. Now as you can imagine that number has grown.
There are also at this 100,000 just in the Eldoret area that have been displaced from their homes. They either cannot get back to their homes because of potential harm or they have no home to go back to. As you can imagine, many opportunities are before Mom and Dad.
Any opportunity that will soon be before you is to give to the relief of Kenya. I am not 100% sure of the details at this time, but I will pass them on to you as soon as I do. I believe that Pastor Jeph Chavez and Hope Chapel Lewiston will be involved also, but I have not confirmed that as of this time.
Any funds you donate for relief will be funneled through the ministry of Keith Gafner, a missionary that has been in the area for many years. He and his family are living with my family at this time, because there home resides in a village near Eldoret that has seen a lot of violence. I am trying to find a website that you might find more info about the Gafners, but I have not found one yet. I will post a letter that Mr. Gafner sent out to those who pray and support them. It is a great letter and I believe you will be encouraged and challenged by it.
Mr. Gafner is also involved with the U.S. Embassy warden for the area of Eldoret. He works closely with her and he was involved with an Embassy meeting today. At this time, they are leaving the decision to evacuate Americans to the wardens of the different areas. But again, at this time, Americans are not being targeted in anyone. They are safe as long as they remain in their homes and away from crowded areas or public gatherings.
This leads to prayer requests for today:
1. Safety for Dad, Keith, and a Kenya man, Japhet - They will be traveling to the Gafner's land tomorrow at 7am their time. They are going to access the situation there and see if the Gafner's could return to their home. The most dangerous thing for Americans at this time is travel. I ask that you just continue to pray the blood protection over my family and especially my father at this time.
2. Wisdom for the Wardens - Pray that they would be wise with this decision. That they will not wait until it is impossible or terribly dangerous to evacuate Americans.
3. Provision - Stores are still not open consistently and they are eventually going to run out of the stock that they have. Pray for the continued multiplication of food for everyone there in Eldoret. My mom has an awesome testimony regarding provision I hope she will share with you.
Obviously continue to pray for the nation of Kenya, its leaders and the end of the violence.
I want to thank all of you again for your prayers. I thank you for myself also. I have had no fear in this situation. I only see the purposes of God and I know that this has to do with the prayers that are not only going up for my family there, but for the family that remains here. The peace that surrounds me is a precious thing and I thank you for it.
Mom told me this morning that they are beginning to see why it was taking so long for them to be clear to build on the land. God was protecting them. If they had begun to build before this time, it probably would have all been destroyed. We serve an awesome God and He is so good to answer our prayers with His wisdom and not ours.
You all are greatly loved by my family. They send it to you from a far. Be looking in the next day or so for a post directly from my mom. She told me she is going to try to post one tomorrow morning. Blessings to you all.