Dear brothers & sisters in Christ, our family!
How we love you all and are so appreciative for you. Saying "thank you" again for your standing with us in this call to kenya, does not seem enough! We know that you are all praying for us, we can see it here in our lives and feel it too. We are all safe and for the time being so is the city that we live in but our hearts are heavy. The happy, friendly people we have grown to love, are no longer! Please pray for the Kenyan people! We hope that many of you joined us on the 25th as the world stood in prayer for Kenya! We are declaring that the hand of God has been moved to put good, what the enemy has ment for evil.
Now to the rebuilding of what was lost and unfortunately in some areas is still being lost. As you have probubly read in the papers and seen on the news over 250,000, maybe as many as a million kenyan people have been displaced in this country. A large amount of them in this area around the city we live in, Elodoret.

There are three large camps here, the largest being at the national Show Grounds ( what we would call a fair grounds ) there is a rough estemate of 22,000 people there, half are children. This looks overwhelming on paper but you need to see it in person to realize the full impact of it, as we did on Saturday last. I am including some of the pictures we took! Over whelming is not even the beginning! We spent 3hrs walking around the grounds and ministering the name of Jesus! Everyone is so hungry in their bellies but also in their hearts. Hope is the one thing that they need so badly. Nothing is completed in one generation, so hope is what we all live on. We tried to pass out as much as we could.

Again our children amazed us, picture being thronged by 100 children at time! They all want to hold your white skin hand and touch your soft, slick hair in their dirty, course ones. They just want to be close enough to hear your strange voice, no matter what you say. Talk about a captive audience! Everywhere you move 50 bodies move with you. Everything smells bad and at times looks worse, this is what our 3 children volenteered for. We did not force them to go, we asked them and then explained what it might be like. Troy was so excited, to her it ment she could openly share Jesus and His love with 1000s, I was scared and that is the truth.
I have seen what the mob can do in the papers and I was frightened for them.

We went with a Kenyan Pastor Friend and about 10 other Europeans & Americans. One of the american ladies is a Puppet Master, she throws her voice, she is great with the kids. They brought a big truck ( Horace wants one of these ) with a stage attatched. After walking around and doing some personal ministry for and hr. or so they set up the stage and talked to thousands. We set in the audience with the children who had attached themselves to us. Horace walked around to keep an eye on everyone. Troy & Dannon sat with groups of chidren for hrs with out water, in the dirt, it was so hot! The only thing they said afterwards was " do we get to go back next saturday!" they are my heros, Marvin too, he played his heart out with the kids. Josh & Rachel too, they gave all they had we were very tired but it was hard to sleep in the warm, clean beds we have at out our house when we now knew names and faces of those who do not have anything. Please pray, right now the goverment has no solution on how to fix this. The people can not just go home, some have no homes and most would be risking their lives to go anywhere.

I would love to post this saying " we are having a wonderful time here in kenya" like I did before but that would not be the full truth. We are living life and appreciating it like we never have before but we would love for it to be as it was, not just for us but for the people we have come to love so very much! The Children's Home is on standby again now for a different reason. All your prayers for the titles and all have been answered and we now have one in hand and the trustee Deed part on its way to be signed. The building bids and material are all waiting. Horace had in mind to start digging trenches for the Kyeapple ( throny bush ) fence and some of the trees we will be planting but as of today all roads into Eldoret are blocked again by people who would like to do anyone they could, harm.
An e-mail I just recieved stated " pray for Kenya, this is all we can do, human intervention is getting us nowhere!!! " God has not been taken by surprise by all of this and He is working because there are many of us praying for His purposes to be accomplished! God has a great and mighty plan for this Nation, we have prayed often that Kenya would be the Man of Peace that Jesus talks about in Luke. Sometimes before something new can be established the old must go! This was said by the Kenyan Pastor friend of ours, he also said sometimes people die when this happens. We must remember that God is good all the time.
We have just recieved notice that we are to pack the bags that we unpacked a couple weeks ago, we are praying that it will not come to us leaving. We have much to do here and we will just have to pay to come back again! Pray dear ones, Kenya so needs it! Pray that we are safe so that we can continue to help others! In Jesus MIGHTY Name! The Leisters in Beautiful, Peaceful Kenya
PS. It took me some time to get this on so here is a up date. We were told that there were plans for more distruction last night. Some more people evacuated, we stayed! We continued to pray that Eldoret would not go the way other cities had and that God would literally hide it from those wanting to destroy it. It was a restless night as we listened for the signs of distruction. We heard some noises but this morning we are Praising God! we recieved a e-mail 1st thing that says that no great distruction was done last night and that the city seems calm this morning. Praise God! Praise God! Continue to pray with us that this will be the testimony through out the day! The Leisters in Beautiful, Peaceful Kenya
How we love you all and are so appreciative for you. Saying "thank you" again for your standing with us in this call to kenya, does not seem enough! We know that you are all praying for us, we can see it here in our lives and feel it too. We are all safe and for the time being so is the city that we live in but our hearts are heavy. The happy, friendly people we have grown to love, are no longer! Please pray for the Kenyan people! We hope that many of you joined us on the 25th as the world stood in prayer for Kenya! We are declaring that the hand of God has been moved to put good, what the enemy has ment for evil.
Now to the rebuilding of what was lost and unfortunately in some areas is still being lost. As you have probubly read in the papers and seen on the news over 250,000, maybe as many as a million kenyan people have been displaced in this country. A large amount of them in this area around the city we live in, Elodoret.

There are three large camps here, the largest being at the national Show Grounds ( what we would call a fair grounds ) there is a rough estemate of 22,000 people there, half are children. This looks overwhelming on paper but you need to see it in person to realize the full impact of it, as we did on Saturday last. I am including some of the pictures we took! Over whelming is not even the beginning! We spent 3hrs walking around the grounds and ministering the name of Jesus! Everyone is so hungry in their bellies but also in their hearts. Hope is the one thing that they need so badly. Nothing is completed in one generation, so hope is what we all live on. We tried to pass out as much as we could.

Again our children amazed us, picture being thronged by 100 children at time! They all want to hold your white skin hand and touch your soft, slick hair in their dirty, course ones. They just want to be close enough to hear your strange voice, no matter what you say. Talk about a captive audience! Everywhere you move 50 bodies move with you. Everything smells bad and at times looks worse, this is what our 3 children volenteered for. We did not force them to go, we asked them and then explained what it might be like. Troy was so excited, to her it ment she could openly share Jesus and His love with 1000s, I was scared and that is the truth.
I have seen what the mob can do in the papers and I was frightened for them.

We went with a Kenyan Pastor Friend and about 10 other Europeans & Americans. One of the american ladies is a Puppet Master, she throws her voice, she is great with the kids. They brought a big truck ( Horace wants one of these ) with a stage attatched. After walking around and doing some personal ministry for and hr. or so they set up the stage and talked to thousands. We set in the audience with the children who had attached themselves to us. Horace walked around to keep an eye on everyone. Troy & Dannon sat with groups of chidren for hrs with out water, in the dirt, it was so hot! The only thing they said afterwards was " do we get to go back next saturday!" they are my heros, Marvin too, he played his heart out with the kids. Josh & Rachel too, they gave all they had we were very tired but it was hard to sleep in the warm, clean beds we have at out our house when we now knew names and faces of those who do not have anything. Please pray, right now the goverment has no solution on how to fix this. The people can not just go home, some have no homes and most would be risking their lives to go anywhere.

I would love to post this saying " we are having a wonderful time here in kenya" like I did before but that would not be the full truth. We are living life and appreciating it like we never have before but we would love for it to be as it was, not just for us but for the people we have come to love so very much! The Children's Home is on standby again now for a different reason. All your prayers for the titles and all have been answered and we now have one in hand and the trustee Deed part on its way to be signed. The building bids and material are all waiting. Horace had in mind to start digging trenches for the Kyeapple ( throny bush ) fence and some of the trees we will be planting but as of today all roads into Eldoret are blocked again by people who would like to do anyone they could, harm.
An e-mail I just recieved stated " pray for Kenya, this is all we can do, human intervention is getting us nowhere!!! " God has not been taken by surprise by all of this and He is working because there are many of us praying for His purposes to be accomplished! God has a great and mighty plan for this Nation, we have prayed often that Kenya would be the Man of Peace that Jesus talks about in Luke. Sometimes before something new can be established the old must go! This was said by the Kenyan Pastor friend of ours, he also said sometimes people die when this happens. We must remember that God is good all the time.
We have just recieved notice that we are to pack the bags that we unpacked a couple weeks ago, we are praying that it will not come to us leaving. We have much to do here and we will just have to pay to come back again! Pray dear ones, Kenya so needs it! Pray that we are safe so that we can continue to help others! In Jesus MIGHTY Name! The Leisters in Beautiful, Peaceful Kenya
PS. It took me some time to get this on so here is a up date. We were told that there were plans for more distruction last night. Some more people evacuated, we stayed! We continued to pray that Eldoret would not go the way other cities had and that God would literally hide it from those wanting to destroy it. It was a restless night as we listened for the signs of distruction. We heard some noises but this morning we are Praising God! we recieved a e-mail 1st thing that says that no great distruction was done last night and that the city seems calm this morning. Praise God! Praise God! Continue to pray with us that this will be the testimony through out the day! The Leisters in Beautiful, Peaceful Kenya