Blessed Christmas

What a month it has been! I kept thinking that we could not get any busier but we did! We came to a agreement with Nancy & Maggie's mother that felt like God's hand! She and only she will visit with them here once a month. They are now permanently part of Tumaini Childrens Center. Then we received our 8th & 9th child Joyce & Dema, we have a full house. Our #1 farmer rang us and ask for help, his wife just had a baby! We did not know that they were expecting. Some cultures here keep the wife inside and do not tell anyone until the blessed event! We guess this is what took place so Horace was out and helping right away! On the 12th of December we were so pleased to meet our newest grandson, Tekoa Jeshi Leister! Born here in Eldoret Kenya! Praise God He is so good to us! Tekoa's birth was a bit more than his parents expected so we have been doubly blessed to have Josh, Rachel & Tekoa for an extra 2 weeks,through the Holidays, yea!!!! We were also blessed to hav...